Thought of As a Fool In His Own Time
The progression of control by the powerful is unsettling. Without cursing myself, I question what truth is. A freely spoken question, whether believed or pondered about out loud, can cause damnation from the masses, as if one is not allowed to release an imperfect thought from their mind, or ever make a perceived mistake. How dare they threaten us with such a question.
Like playing a worthy note amongst a musical conversation. Yet, aside from any possible spiritual entity, there is no perfect judge to judge such thoughts, and an idea can be more powerful than the person it came from. Every era, every generation, every time period throughout history they have killed those who speak out for truth. And those doing the killing are killing in the name of their truth. The ignorant are so confident in their knowing, incapable of knowing more since they are always right, behind their own eyes.
The wise question themselves.. the ones who have been broken but can no longer break. You become invincible by knowing who you truly are.. accepting yourself. And nothing or no one can take that away from you, even in the face of seemingly impossible odds.