Everything is Beautiful - Crash, or Bloom.
Whether depths or infinite skies, nothing can separate one from the divine. It turns into a belief that doesn’t need defending. It is an experience, transcending what I have strenuously tried to understand. Yet, letting go and accepting the unknown is where I have found peace.
Once you figure out that you cannot figure it out, then you’ve kind of figured it out.
‘It’ being life-God-existence-love… all that there is here.
There is something to learn from any experience, whether dark or bright. It is all still within who we are. Diamonds are found in the ground, in coal. Life springs from mud and dirt. Appreciation for it all may bloom, after a crash. Whether you crash, or bloom, both will allow a place for growth.
To feel.. anything, is a blessing. All times are for the betterment of one’s self. Sharing experiences may help out those who were once you. Especially when they’re feeling so alone in feeling alone. Happiness may seem like a trap, either way.. it is all beautiful.